From Amy

The night before Labor Day, we had our second neighborhood bonfire. That afternoon, our two oldest kids drove their bikes around the neighborhood and invited people to the bonfire. We gathered similar supplies as last time...s'mores, LOTS of juice boxes, LaCroix and Diet Coke!

We started the bonfire relatively early, maybe around 7 p.m. Just like last time, at first it was just our 3 kids and 4 neighbor kids. They had fun doing "tricks" on the grass, riding their bikes in the cul-de-sac while the fire was getting going, and doing their Nerf guns. Once the fire was ready, they wanted to do s'mores. Honestly, it was an excellent experience for me to practice being like Jesus. Particularly in the area of PATIENCE, as there were 7 children all wanting s'mores at the same time (I was in charge of s'mores), and I was nervous about somebody getting burned or poking someone's eye out with the metal marshmallow sticks. I'm one of those moms who gets nervous (rather than relaxed) when kids are around fire and water, so this was an EXCELLENT exercise for me in TRUSTING JESUS and BEING LIKE JESUS to all these little ones. Needless to say, they all had a great time eating their s'mores and hanging out around the fire, and everyone was completely safe. 😉

Shortly after that, our neighbor across the street brought me and Seth a HUGE piece of chocolate cake (see photo above)! She had been hosting her in-laws and was so gracious to bring us a piece of cake right in the middle of her OWN hosting of an event. Once again, I was humbled and totally taken by surprise. WE were hosting an event, yet our neighbor was serving US. I have a hard time RECEIVING from others because I am such a giver by nature...this was a beautiful exercise in RECEIVING while I was GIVING. The Lord has had me learn this lesson before, so it was no surprised we were reviewing this lesson yet again!

Before we knew it, it was getting dark. Neighbors started showing up. The guests across the street left, so both of those neighbors came over. The neighbors two doors down came with their son. A son/daughter from two blocks up came, and we've barely engaged with them in the 3-4 years they've lived in the neighborhood. And a mom/daughter came from two blocks up as well! It was a fairly big crowd at its peak...around 20 people around the fire. It was a really interesting and diverse mix of neighbors just as it was last time, but there was GREAT conversation, GREAT community building, and overall, it was a GREAT experience.

Everyone enjoyed themselves. The only reason people left was because it started raining pretty hard.

The rain cleared within 15-20 minutes, so Seth & Cooper went back out to the bonfire. They had some rare father/son quiet bonding time together, which was FABULOUS from my perspective, and perhaps the BEST part of the night's bonfire. Seth & Cooper were out by the bonfire for a good hour at least. Later, when we were going to bed, Seth said that his time out at the bonfire with Cooper was "perfect."

On another personal note, offering hospitality through the bonfire has been a good experience for me. I have this notion that life is supposed to go a certain way, that I'm supposed to behave in very particular ways as a Christian. In fact, I have had some anxiety about wanting to do these bonfires the "right way." When I was doing devotions the morning after this bonfire, I opened up 1 Peter 4 & 5, as those passages have really been speaking to me this summer and fall. I came across 1 Peter 4:10, and it really resonated and gave me peace as it related to the bonfire..."Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms."

"God's grace in its various forms." There is something freeing in that for me..."God's grace in its various forms." That verse has helped me reframe the bonfires, and has also helped me reframe life recently. God bestows His daily graces upon me, so I bestow daily graces upon others.

As you said after our last bonfire..."As you are blessed - be a blessing." YES.

Thank you very much for this opportunity to receive and extend grace.

Amy Pederson

From Molly

Whoops - August was crazy, so I totally forget to get you an update.  We decided to host the National Night Out on August 2nd and have the firepit out to roast hotdogs.  We handed out hot dog buns with a poem.  Poppy helped me stuff the buns, and we invited our 3 neighbor girls to do door to door with us to hand them out.  They thought it was lots of fun :)  Lots of neighbors came, and the highlight was the teens down the block hanging out for awhile.  In fact, twice in the last 3 days the same kid from 6 doors down has asked me when the next campfire will be.  I love that we've created some expectation and anticipation.  We plan to do at least one or two this fall and maybe even in the dead of winter on a not so cold night :)